Find on this interactive and collaborative map :
– of the dreamers who make up the great tribe of the Dream Meeting
– actors who propose objects, activities, training courses, places related to wild arts and techniques
– natural sites, caves and museums and prehistoric sites…
Weaving the wildlife movement around the world!
Join us!
Don’t hesitate to add your little marker on the map, introduce yourself, propose your wild activities, point out a resource site… and make the tribe grow.
At the top right of the map you will find a small white pencil on a grey square, which will allow you to edit the map. Be careful not to move the markers already on the map by mistake 🙂
Selects the appropriate layer:
- dreamers: people who are or wish to be part of the big family of the Dream Meeting (you can write your name, first name, wild name, the edition you participated in, your contact information, your wild experience…)
- actors : people or structures that offer works, objects, activities, workshops, training courses, etc. related to wildlife (name, website, address, email, telephone, description of the activity…)
- sites: natural places, caves, prehistoric museums
Welcome to the big wild tribe!